Microsoft OneNote and Section Groups - Changing the game
Section groups in Microsoft OneNote can change the game when it comes to organizing your information.
Simplified Kanban using OneNote
Ever wonder if OneNote is capable of managing information kanban style? Let’s explore some ways you can use kanban techniques within OneNote to manage your projects.
Outlining and Microsoft OneNote
Are you using OneNote for making outlines? No? Then you are missing out.
Samsung Notes vs. OneNote: Voice
A head to head comparison of Samsung Notes vs. OneNote when it comes to speech to text conversion. Which is better?
Planner and OneNote
If you use Microsoft Planner did you know you can use OneNote as well?
Microsoft OneNote Notebooks and Sections
Confused about how to set up your OneNote Notebooks and Sections? It’s time you got some answers.
Pro Tip - Organizing your YouTube videos in OneNote
A pro tip on how to organize your YouTube videos using OneNote
Dictate your notes into OneNote for Windows 10
Why type your notes into OneNote when you can dictate them?
Are subtasks useful?
Task management requires dealing with subtasks. Are they useful or do they add to the burden of managing the tasks?
Super Powered Highlighters in OneNote
Here's how you can have super powered highlighters in OneNote to take your studying to the next level.
Using OneNote for Procedure Management
Did you know you can use OneNote for managing procedures for your team or organization?
Taking Daily Notes in OneNote
Ever spend too much time trying to keep your notes from the day organized? Here's a method I use in OneNote that works and stays out of the way.