Super Powered Highlighters in OneNote

One of the features of OneNote is the option to apply highlighting to any section of text on a page. This is easily done by using the highlighting tool in the Basic Text toolbar.  You can select the color of your highlight and click and drag to apply. But what if I told you there is a far better way to do highlighting, especially if you're using OneNote for studying and research?

Rather than using the highlighting tool, create a custom tag for each type of highlight you need. Let's say for example you're prepping for an exam and you have definitions, quotes, dates, and procedures to recall. In the Tags section of the ribbon bar, select the drop down arrow under the tags scroll bar and select Customize Tags from the bottom of the list.

Creating custom highlighters

Once selected, give the new tag a name like "Definitions", choose a highlighter color, a font color if desired, and a symbol if desired. Select OK and your new highlighter tag is added to your list of available tags at the top.  You can reorder these if desired.

Reaping the benefits of the custom tags

Where this comes in handy is when you use the Find Tags feature and group the tags by the tag name. Now all the definitions you have highlighted are together, as are all the quotes, dates, and procedures. If you really want to take this to the next level come study time, select 'Create Summary Page" to generate a new page including all your highlighted content and direct links to it back in your original notes.

When it comes to a research and learning tool, OneNote can be a huge time saver and increase in productivity as you work on your studies.


Using OneNote for Recording Scripts


Using OneNote for Procedure Management