help spread the word about men’s mental health and look out for each other

When was the last time you said, “I’m ok.”

It's so easy to fall into the trap of not reaching out for help when we're struggling. I know many men, myself included, who deal with that challenge and were raised to just push through it. Deal with it. "Man up." 

The image of the check engine light is a familiar one when it comes to unknown problems. The light may be on, but far too often we ignore it...not knowing what it truly means, and push on with life. Eventually things break down, sometimes beyond repair.

The goal of Check Your Brother is to act as a reminder to not only reach out when we need help, but to reach out to those who are not, opening that door so they can have someone to talk to when they need it.

I don't expect these items to change the world, but if they help one man talk to another and find out what their check engine light means, it's worth it.

You can help make a difference

A portion of all profits from check your brother merchandise are donated to non-profit organizations working towards greater awareness and support for men’s mental health issues.Your purchases do more than make a statement; your purchases can make a difference.

Remember that a portion of all merchandise purchase profits are donated to men’s mental health charities and awareness campaigns. Not only can you help by sharing the Check Your Brother message, but your purchase dollars will reach even further.