Create custom follow up tags in OneNote

One of the aspects of OneNote I like the most is the option to have graphical tags attached to my content as needed.  The tags are searchable across notebooks and unlike hashtags can be interactive.  Keep in mind this aspect does not work on mobile devices (let's get with it, Microsoft) but on the PC it can be nice addition.  I've created multiple custom tags for each of the primary people I need to follow up on items with to make it easier to track.  To create a custom tag:
  1. Pull down your tag list and select "Customize Tags" at the bottom
  2. Click on "New Tag" in the dialog box
  3. Enter a name for the tag such as "Follow up with boss"
  4. Select a symbol, font color, and highlight color as desired (I use the symbol of the checkbox with the person in the corner.  By doing this, the checkbox can be turned on and off as the follow up is completed.)
  5. Click on Ok and you have a new follow up tag ready to go

Just assign this tag on any item you need to follow up with that individual on and when you're ready to talk you can do a Find All Tags to locate the specific items you need to review.  A quick and easy way to make sure things don't fall through the cracks.


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